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    Sewage Planning Grants increased by $450,000 or 30%. Sewage Facilities Enforcement Grants increased by $970,000 or 24.25% and Sewage treatment Operations Grants increased by $2.3 million or 5.52%.

    In addition, there are a variety of new initiatives. In General Government Operations there is $510,000 for an Information Technology initiative and $128,000 for Improved Water Quality which deals with laboratory accreditation. There are a number of program increases to replace the Department=s commercial vehicles. Environmental Program Management has received a $1.0 million increase for water quality assessments, the Office of Pollution Protection and Compliance Assistance has received $326,000 to increase program development in the areas of the PA Environmental Assistance Network and Environmental Protection Operations has received a $1.175 million program increase to relocate field offices and enhance service delivery.

    There are Safe Drinking Water initiatives of approximately $4.4 million that make use of federal funds . Additionally, the conference committee on the budget added $6.705 million in state funds for Safe Drinking Water programs.

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For more information, contact the Office of State Senator Vincent J. Fumo.

1208 Tasker Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148
(215) 468-3866
2637 East Clearfield Street
Philadelphia, PA 19134
(215) 423-7670
Senate Box 203001
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3001
(717) 787-5662


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Copyright 2000 Sen. Vincent J. Fumo