PERSIAN GULF VETERANS CAN RECEIVE UP TO $525 IN BENEFITS PHILADELPHIA, April 24, 2008 -- Pennsylvania veterans who served in the Persian Gulf Conflict in 1990 and 1991 can now apply for a bonus of up to $525, according to state Senator Vince Fumo (D-Philadelphia.) Overwhelmingly approved by voters through referendum in November 2006, the Persian Gulf Veterans Benefit Program allows eligible veterans, or their beneficiaries, to receive a one-time payment of $75 for each month of active service, up to $525. “This is one way our state is expressing gratitude to those who answered the call of duty in the Persian Gulf War,” Fumo said. “This program recognizes their service, and allows us to show that we appreciate their sacrifice.” Survivors of veterans who lost their lives, or died as a result of service-connected wounds, diseases, or injuries, may be eligible for an additional payment of $5,000. To qualify, the service member must meet the following criteria:
Applications can be downloaded from the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs website at www.persiangulfbonus.state.pa.us or by calling the Persian Gulf Veterans Benefit Program at 1-866-458-9182.
Completed applications should be
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