The Budget: Fiscal Year 1997-1998


     On the next page is the balance sheet for the current year and for 1997-98. There have been some assumptions made on the Governor's balance sheet because some information is not know to the Appropriations Committee at this time. Those items are marked with an asterisk on the balance sheet.

     The exact revenue surplus for the 1996-97 fiscal year is still unknown. At the end of April the surplus was $524 million. It will probably increase before the end of the fiscal year in June. Conservatively, the surplus will be around $560 million. Current year lapses for the 1996-97 fiscal year are assumed to be $125 million. That amount is also a conservative estimate. There are several appropriations in the current year's budget that will not be fully spent. It is not known how much will be lapsed this year and how much will be lapsed in the next fiscal year. The spreadsheet assumes all the lapses will occur in the 1996-97 fiscal year.

     The Governor has yet to officially certify 1997-98 revenues. Clearly, however, the enormous underestimation of revenue in the current year suggests that the amount collected next year will be higher than the Governor originally estimated. A conservative estimate of $300 million is included in the adjustment to revenue for the 97-98 budget.

     The total amount of expenditures for 1997-98 as passed in H.B. 847 is $17.154 billion. The growth in expenditures is $612 million or 3.7% over the current year.

          General Fund Status                              General Fund Status  
          Fiscal Year 1996-97                             Fiscal Year 1997-98   
             ($ in Thousands)                                ($ in Thousands)   
Revenue:                                             Revenue:               
--------                                             --------               
Beginning Balance                      $156,249      Beginning Balance                      $403,009
Official Revenue Est.     $16,699,500                Feb. 97 Revenue Est     $17,339,200     
*Revenue Adjustment          $560,000                *Adjustment                $300,000        
Sunny Day Securitization      $60,000                Proposed Tax Changes      $(193,100)      
Gov.Tax Changes              $(15,000)               Net Accruals                     $0      
Net Accruals                       $0                Less Refund Reserve       $(520,000)      
Less Refund Reserve         $(520,000)                                     ------------  
                          ------------               Current Revenue                     $16,926,100
*Current Revenue                    $16,784,500      Prior Yr. Lapses                             $0
Prior Yr. Lapses                        $50,000                    
                                                     Revenue Available                   $17,329,109
Revenue Available                   $16,990,749                             
Expenditures                                         --------------          
--------------                                       Budgeted Approp.                    $17,153,990
Budgeted Approp.                    $16,516,620                              
Detail                                               Continuing HB847 Conf.  $17,153,990     
Continuing                $16,376,757                Supplementals                    $0       
Supplementals                $164,863                Sunny Day Fund                   $0       
Exec. Authorizations               $0                      Rainy Day Fund             $0      
Sunny Day Fund                     $0                      Current Lapses             $0   __________
Rainy Day Fund               $100,000                      Unappropriated Balance           $175,119
Current Lapses              $(125,000)                                      
                                      ________                     Transfer Rainy Day        $26,268
Unappropriated Balance                 $474,129                                             =========
                                                                          Fund Balance       148,851
              Transfer Rainy Day        $71,119                         
                          Fund Balance $403,009                                
Index Next Section


For more information, contact the Office of State Senator Vincent J. Fumo.

1208 Tasker Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148
(215) 468-3866
2637 East Clearfield Street
Philadelphia, PA 19134
(215) 423-7670
Senate Box 203001
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3001
(717) 787-5662


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Copyright 2000 Sen. Vincent J. Fumo