State Senator
1st Senatorial District
Democratic Appropriations Committee Chairman
Room 545 Main Capitol, Harrisburg PA 17120
Internet Website: www.fumo.com |

PHONE: 717-787-5662 |
HARRISBURG, August 2, 2006 – State Senator Vince
Fumo (D-Philadelphia) sent the following letter today to Sen. Jane Orie
(R-Allegheny), with copies to the other 48 members of the Senate.
The letter corrects several inaccurate and misleading
statements that Orie has made recently on matters related to the Pennsylvania
Race Horse Development and Gaming Act.
# # #
(Note: copies of amendment A09120, which is
referenced in the letter, are available upon request from Senator Fumo’s
(On Senate Stationary)
August 2, 2006
Via Hand Delivery
The Honorable Jane C. Orie
Senate of Pennsylvania
Room 168 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
Re: Senate Bill 862 / Gaming Reform Legislation
Dear Senator Orie:
The purpose of my letter is to correct several inaccurate and misleading
statements you have recently made about me, Senate Bill 862 and various issues
related to the Pennsylvania Race Horse Development and Gaming Act. While I
recognize that it is an election year, with both statewide elections and
internal Senate Republican caucus contests, this is insufficient justification
for your repeated public statements that attempt to slander my personal
motivations relative to public policy positions concerning the Gaming Act. Your
recent statements are personally offensive and stand in stark contrast to the
actions of most every other member of this body.
As someone who routinely reminds any listener of your prior experience as a
prosecutor, I would expect that you would be more careful in your remarks.
Contrary to your recent statements, Senate Bill 862, and the amendment that I
sought to support prior to our recess for the summer, was neither a secret
nor did it contain special benefits for the gaming industry. Rather, Amendment
No. A09120, (a copy of which is included for your edification) was the product
of a bipartisan effort among staff attorneys from each of the four legislative
caucuses. Staff meetings took place over several months, and incorporated ideas
and revisions suggested by a wide rage of offices – including your own. As I
stated on the floor of the Senate, it was important to move Senate Bill 862
prior to our recess for the summer in order to ensure that the reforms were in
place, before the Gaming Control Board considered and issued additional slot
licenses. It was you who objected to considering Senate Bill 862, and it was you
who voted to recess the Senate until September without considering any gaming
related reform. While I welcome your recent epiphany, the facts related to
Senate Bill 862, and its amendment, are clear and a matter of public record:
• FACT – Amendment No. A09120 is a bipartisan product. Not only was the
drafting of this amendment a bipartisan effort, but its development was actually
led by your own caucus’ staff. (1) In fact, your office staff was aware of these
meetings. The inclusion of your suggested Gaming Board employee hiring reforms
as they appear on page 5 of the amendment clearly evidences this fact. Had the
Senate passed Amendment No. A09120, your language would likely have been enacted
into law and been in place by now.
• FACT – Amendment No. A09120 contains many provisions advocated by members
of your own caucus. Far from being “my amendment” as you have suggested, the
amendment included changes supported by Senator Earll (clarifying the local
share component of the Act); Senator Browne (changing the distribution method
for the local share component in the Lehigh Valley); Senator Piccola (changing
the distribution method for the local share in Dauphin and Lebanon Counties, as
well as increasing the authority of the Attorney General); Senator Jubelirer
(imposing strong conflict-of-interest standards upon members of the Gaming
Board); Senator Wenger (mandating legislative authorization for Gaming Board
expenditures); and, yourself (imposing new Board hiring standards and clarifying
the application of the Sunshine Act, Right-to-Know Act and the Adverse Interest
Act). Ironically, Senate Bill 862 has already received the unanimous support of
every member of the Senate on November 2, 2005. Amendment A09120 was an attempt
to correct several weakening amendments that the House made to the bill and to
address new issues raised by members in both Senate caucuses.
• FACT – Amendment No. A09120 was shared and available to any legislative
office. Contrary to your statements, at no time did I refuse to share the
contents of the amendment with any office that sought a copy. In fact, early
drafts of the amendment were shared with several members of your own caucus who
contacted me. I have always been willing to share any information, including
bill drafts or research related to gaming matters with any office – without
regard to partisan affiliation. The development of the Gaming Act was a
bipartisan endeavor and any successful effort to enact changes to the Act will
also require bipartisan support. If you did not receive a copy early enough for
your review, than you either did not call my office or your own leadership did
not share it with you. In either case, I am not responsible for your lack of
knowledge of the provisions of the amendment.
• FACT – The only provisions contained in Amendment No. A09120 that presented
any concern were related to the City of Philadelphia and the application of
local land use regulations. The only excuse that has been offered to date,
to explain your unwillingness to consider and support Senate Bill 862, is that
the amendment would preempt certain land use and zoning regulations within the
City of Philadelphia. Overlooked in your excuse is the fact that the House
amendment to Senate Bill 862 imposed a blanket preemption on all City land use
rules and regulations. (2) As it was written, such a provision would not likely
have passed constitutional review. (3) Accordingly, I attempted to rewrite the
provision to provide for the involvement of the City in any site plan approval
that would be conducted by the Commonwealth. While I appreciate the interest in
the City of Philadelphia by members of the legislature from Allegheny County, it
is worth noting that the zoning provision of the amendment was supported by
every member of the Philadelphia Senate delegation. (4)
• FACT – Amendment No. A09120 was an important reform measure that if not
blocked, would have likely been enacted by now. The record is clear that
every public safeguard provision contained in the Gaming Act was first advocated
by my office – prohibitions on campaign contributions, prohibitions on
complementary services and discounts, a dedicated revenue stream for compulsive
gambling treatment, the imposition of self-exclusion program, law enforcement
grant money, the nation’s highest licensing standards for all slot operators,
ATM placement regulation, high licensing fees, imposition of licensing bond
requirements, annual license renewals and even a limitation on public official
financial interests. Amendment No. A09120 attempted to strengthen these
protections and make additional necessary reforms – not weaken them.
To be clear, I agree with your assertion that the Gaming Act could be improved
and strong public safeguards should be imposed. This is not a new development,
but something I and Senator Tomlinson have been working together on during the
two years since the Act’s passage. One idea that you may wish to consider
supporting, is legislation that would explicitly prohibit campaign contributions
from any gaming company lobbyist. Someone who represents gaming interests should
not be able to take advantage of the cash-rich status of his clients while
lobbying members of the legislature. The perception of members of the
legislature who endorse specific gaming license applications immediately before
receiving campaign contributions from gaming company lobbyists should be
avoided. I am advised that Senators Logan and Costa have drafted such
legislation and I am certain your support would be welcomed.
In conclusion, I wish to restate that contrary to your statements, I have never
been corruptly motivated in supporting any policy matter related to gaming.(5)
Though I greatly respect those members of the legislature who may oppose the
legalization of slots, it is neither appropriate nor acceptable to defame those
members who may have an opinion that differs from your own.
Sincerely yours,
State Senator
Attached amendment
cc: All members of the Pennsylvania Senate
1. It is not necessary for you to take my word for this.
The top of the amendment lists the abbreviation for the Legislative Reference
Bureau drafting attorney – Robert L. Evangelista, Esquire. Mr. Evangelista is
not someone with whom my office has routinely worked. Rather, he worked with
your caucus’ staff attorneys.
2. See, Senate Bill 862, pn 1553, at 146; lines 21 - 26.
3. See, Pennsylvanians Against Gambling Expansion Fund, Inc. v.
Commonwealth, 583 Pa. 275, 877 A.2d 383 (2005).
4. Ironically, it is noted that your voting record indicates a
clear willingness to remove various authorities from the City of Philadelphia
when it meets certain partisan objectives. See, e.g, Senate Bill 640 (abrogating
Philadelphia School Board powers) Legislative Journal of the Senate of
Pennsylvania, at 1010 (October 23, 2001); House Bill 2654 (abrogating
Philadelphia Parking Authority powers) Legislative Journal of the Senate of
Pennsylvania, at 2031 (July 3, 2004).
5. You have also gone so far as to attempt to attack the
character of Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Chairman Mitchell Rubin. Please
know that Chairman Rubin has never been accused of wrongdoing and has an
impeccable reputation as a public official. In fact, he has repeatedly received
the support from your caucus as Chairman of the Turnpike Commission. He is an
investor in a gaming company – I am not. I neither control nor direct Chairman
Rubin’s personal investments. I am not aware of anyone who has suggested that he
has used his office to gain improper influence. Furthermore, contrary to your
statement, Rubin’s wife has not worked in my office in over 2 years.